Deutsch-russisches Forschungsprojekt:
"Neue religiöse Kulturen im spät- und postsowjetischen Russland: Ideologien, soziale Netzwerke, Diskurse" / "New Religious Cultures in Late and Post-Soviet Russia: Ideologies, Social Networks, Discourses"
Gefördert von: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) und Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)
Projektbeschreibung (deutsch – englisch – russisch)
- Prof. Dr. Birgit Menzel (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz)
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Panchenko (European University at St. Petersburg, Institute of Russian Literature (The Pushkin House), Russian Academy of Sciences)
ProjektteilnehmerInnen auf deutscher Seite:
- Prof. Dr. Birgit Menzel: "The Culture of New Age in Soviet Russia, Central Europe and the USA: A Comparative View" (email: bmenzel@uni-mainz.de)
- Dr. Anna Tessmann (PostDoc): "Astrological Schools and the Cultic Milieu of the Late Soviet and Post-Soviet Periods" (email: atessman@uni-mainz.de)
- Romina Heim (Ph.D. candidate): "The Mystical Anarchism Movement in Early 20th-Century Russia from a Translation Studies Perspective" (email: roheim@uni-mainz.de)
ProjektteilnehmerInnen auf russischer Seite:
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Panchenko: “Ufology, Practices of ‘Chanelling’ and ‘Scholars of the Paranormal’ in Soviet and Post-Soviet New Age”
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sergey Shtyrkov: "Wisdom of the Ancestors and Challenges of Modernity: Some Concepts of the New Age in the Rhetoric of the Ossetian Ethnic Traditionalism"
- Dr. Julia Andreeva (PostDoc): "‘Spiritual Services‘ on the New Age Market in Russia"
- Svetlana Tambovtseva (Ph.D. candidate): "Discourses and Practices of Post-Soviet Cryptolinguistics"
- Andrey Tiukhtiaev (Ph.D. candidate) "Pilgrimage in New Age Culture: Practices and Identities"